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Love my babies – no matching outfits, unshowered, sandy and sunkissed. Best kind of pictures. 

Before I was knee-deep in launching a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, planning wellness retreats for patients and holding physician learning conferences, or before Sisters Media branched out into print and digital publishing for medical and health field, my main love other than working out, was photography. Still is by far one of the things I love the most – especially when I actually use my good camera. 😉 

#Just5Minutes even while on vacation

No equipment needed and videos are free on YouTube!

My workout today was:

– 2.41 mile walk with my husband on the beach (slower pace) for the #AmericaRuns5k benefitting EDS Wellness with Charity Footprints

– Power Yoga Video with Michelle Goldstein (1hr) –

– Tracey Anderson’s Butt and Glutes 20 min workout –

The Strength/Flexibility/Health/EDS YouTube channel has several playlists with various videos from living with EDS videos to some of my favorite at home workout videos. It also has all Wellapalooza, EDS Wellness, Moving Naturally with Hypermobility, The Hypermobile Yogi & the edited Just 5 Minutes class videos. Subscribe by going to –

Heal, Restore, Empower – Wellapalooza 2017

One of my goals while growing EDS Wellness and working to expand the Just 5 Minutes initiative, has been to have our own yoga mats – mats that mean something to those we work with — and to us. The featured picture is one of the first yoga mat designs created for Wellapalooza 2017. Next, we are partnering with Sankalpa for another amazing design — and very different. 

The EDS community identifies with the Zebra, but I prefer to do things a bit different and go against the norm. Hence, why I love the amazing yoga mat designs by one of the graphic designers I’ve been working with. Specifically, the Wellapalooza 2017 yoga mat is incredible — and my mom’s favorite birds was the hummingbird. Bonus for becuase of that too!

Here’s what a Hummingbird symbolizes — I think it fits perfectly with EDS Wellness‘ mission and initiatives – “The Native American symbol of the hummingbird represents wonder and beauty. The hummingbird is also a healing symbol that helps people focus on the positive aspect of life. In dreams, the hummingbird represents progress or endurance


The appreciation of the hummingbird as a symbolic animal stems from its ability to hover in one place for long periods of time. Hummingbirds flap their wings about 100 times per second. When they are courting a potential mate, they flap them twice as many times per second. Early native Americans observed that it must take a great deal of energy for the hummingbird to flap its wings so many times while remaining stationary. Hummingbirds can also fly sideways and backward. Because the hummingbird appears to have overcome flying challenges that other birds have not, they have come to symbolize a guide who helps people through challenges. The association of the hummingbird as a light, good-natured symbol is related to its affinity to eat sweet nectar. The symbolism of their beauty is represented in early Native American legend in which it is said that the guardian of the mountains and woods thought the hummingbird was so beautiful, that it was allowed to build a nest in her hair.”

Read more by going to

#Just5Minutes – 30mins cycling/spinning at home & 30 push-ups 

My nephew decided that he was going to start to 30 push-ups each day because someone commented on his “spaghetti arms.” I told my sister that I would join him because I couldn’t do 30 push-ups in a row in my feet either. They didn’t believe it. But nope, I have my own #EDSSpiral that I’m working out of. So, tonight I did 30 total push-ups – 15 on my feet and 15 on my knees. That was 5 more on my feet than the last time. 

Post originally posted on Instagram –

Living with MCAS – “It’s nice to meet you too.” 

Saw a new MCAS doc today. Other than my main docs, I do not have a local doc who understands MCAS and issues associated with sensitivities to meds, etc. I’m not one to doctor shop and don’t have time to anyway, so I’ve just dealt on my own – barely. However, things have gotten worse, especially associated with hormones. Two times a month, my body decides it really wants to party hard (more than usual) by attacking itself and anything I eat or take. Fun times.

My husband came with me and after we discussed the main gist of why I was there with my new doc, I asked her about allergy testing. I wanted to ask her for two reasons:

1. I’ve never had it and am somewhat curious.

2. Her response would give a good indication of her knowledge and understanding of MCAS overall – particularly for my case. Of course, I could be “allergic” to something more traditional and that would make things a lot easier – right?

My new doc’s response was key – said nothing at first to my question about allergy testing. Then, looked at me and then the three of us started laughing. My new doc responded by saying, “Yeah, I don’t think there’s a need to do that anytime soon, if at all.” Brian and I both nodded and just kept laughing.

I stated that finding a way to get the hot spots on my thighs and elsewhere to stop, and the cold breeze blowing on my face and other parts of my body to go away. Getting the millions of needle pricks to stop poking me, would be an added bonus. Oh and I feel like I have ants in my ears and the whooshing that is constantly in my head becomes mind-numbing. I even feel reactions in my teeth and they make my teeth move. It’s crazy. And forget other types of reactions and symptoms associated with them. The whole thing is maddening.

I would also like the swelling to go down and to not look like I have a ton of extra skin hanging on my knees. The automatic symptoms improving would also be a plus.

So, my appointment went well, but my records have to be sent from my other docs, etc. I was honest and told her that I’m not a huge fan of meds, have not had the best luck with them, and am not the most compliant patient, but that I wanted to not feel like my body was attacking itself all of the time – especially twice a month.

I told her that I’ve had the best luck with lifestyle factors – diet, exercise, meditation, and certain supplements and that a hysterectomy probably where I’m eventually headed. My hope is that I can find a way to avoid surgery, especially because I’m not naive about the risks. I do know many women like me who have felt better afterward, though.

I then mentioned that quercetin has helped a lot and my new doctor wasn’t familiar with quercetin all, which is fairly telling as well. I did promise I would give the med regimen 4 weeks to see how it helped – especially through ovulation and menstruation. If I’m better two times a month when I usually and much worse, that gives me some insight into how a hysterectomy may help also.

The good news is that even though I’m not sleeping well, my heart rate is stabilizing at night, thanks to stopping the medication that was causing some of my reactions and symptoms. I can also get up so much easier in the morning now. So.much.easier! However, my HR and BP are super low. The doc also did the scratch test on arm yesterday and there was no dermagraphism (red marks), and stated that it wasbecausee I had taken antihistamines the day before. I didn’t believe it.

My husband and I went to dinner before heading home, and I ended up with a terrible delayed reaction to what I ate, which lasted all night and is still happening as I type this now. I did the scratch test on myself, and it’s clear. The picture with lighter marks was taken 3 mins later.

My other hope is that with proper treatment and finding stability, through whatever recipe of modalities works best, that I will not drop things anymore. In the mornings, I’m often so disoriented that I say to my husband “you have to give me time to wake up.” I am super stiff, have pain, especially pain and swelling in my hands, can’t concentrate and get really distracted – more than usual. It’s almost as if my brain and muscles havent started working to give my body the proprioception that I’ve gained and am used to having. The result – dropping things and not really understanding why or how.

Last, I’m thankful for Sandra Maiden lounge wear and clothing (available on Etsy – for clothing that I can wear when my skin is so sensitive and hurts from all of this. It does not make me hot and it breaths. It also keeps me warm when I’m cold to the bone. And I’m thankful for Healing Histamine by Yasmina Ykelenstam, who has been trying to help me find a way to see improvement in a way that best works for me and isn’t dependant solely on medications.

#RealLive #LivingWithEDS #MCAS #NeverBetAgainstOccam

#Just5Minutes – Lots of people workout at 6am – who knew? 

And what else can you do when you sleep like this?

I met my friend at Zengo Cycle and I’m pretty sure she left shocked – per usual. However, class this morning reminded me of why I started going to Zengo in the first place – just about 5 years ago?


#Just5Minutes #LiveEDSStrong #InvisibleStrength #EhlersDanlos #Hypermobility

Living with EDS and MCAS

When you are the founder of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your focus is on serving those with Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, and related conditions, this is how you roll to a new doc apt.

And again tomorrow too …

I just want the hot spots on my thighs, the millions of pins and needles that are all over that are pricking me, and the cold breeze blowing on me, to stop. Otherwise, I may lose my mind.

#RealLife #AllClearDermCheck #LivingWithEDS #MCAS #EhlersDanlos #NewLocalMCASDoc #PrayingSheCanHelpTheseReactions #AlreadyWarnedAfrin #LivingWithTheTrifectaIsARollerCoaster