All posts tagged: Back pain

Yoga Therapy at Any Age?

Earlier today, I saved an article to read later. The article that I saved was about an 85-year old woman, living with severe osteoporosis and a terrible hunch back, who made incredible progress in her posture and pain through yoga. Tonight, after YTT (Yoga Instructor Training),  I finally had the chance to read the article I saved. I love this article for so many reasons — it made me think of my Gram, who suffered for years with chronic pain due to undiagnosed Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and who also suffered from severe kyphosis, scoliosis, and osteoporosis — all due to EDS also. Smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, and her lack of movement of any kind, didn’t help either. Of course, any article sharing the story of someone who has enjoyed great success through yoga, and the personal care and instruction of a knowledgeable yoga teacher, is pertinent to me because of being in YTT. However, these stories are also important because they share hope, strength, and the focus is often on the body’s amazing …