All posts tagged: Certified Health Education Speciallist

#Just5Minutes when I Really, Really, Really, Really, Really did not want to work out – even for a hot second.

I’ve been in studying hell for the C.H.E.S Certification Exam, or I should say – Procrastination Hell. The exam is in the morning and I needed to move. I’ve gotten little sleep the last few days — no joke, probably three hours total, and tonight will be maybe an hour if I can actually fall asleep. I feel horrid. Pain is off the charts for several reasons, but yoga and movement usually make me feel better.  So, that’s what I did – 15 mins on the spin bike and then some yoga-ish stretching/strength to help ease pain.  Still .. I got it done, even if it was only 15ninues – something is better than notthubg