Month: August 2016

#Just5Minutes of AcroYoga with my babies 

AcroYoga with my baby girl (and my little Bub) before we started the 9hr drive home after a week of vacation. We have been practicing SUP-yoga all week, and nailed all poses, but fatigue and end-of-vacation-week-attitudes got the best of us yesterday. So, we practiced for a few minutes on the lakefront beach we got in the car. And then we decided that we are so good that we need to teach a child/parent AcroYoga class. We even had a videographer  – video recording of our class coming soon! 😜

Fluid Retention, Joint Hypermobility, and My Knees

I can tell you all this – I’ve had issues with fluid retention like this off and on for years. It’s not always dependent on a reaction, but I do get swelling then to. This is swelling that is just there and is hard for anyone to see other than me, but you see it off and on, there’s a clear diff of about 5-10 lbs and it happens fast. It’s also everywhere, but specifically affects my legs and arms. And both places aren’t where I gain weight quickly. My legs yes, but that’s on my hips, the water retention and what my skin looks like happens on my legs above my knees and I don’t have fat there. It’s the craziest thing bc I used to think it was bc I ate too much of sweets, but when it comes off, it comes off fast – like in a day. I can suddenly see muscles that I thought I lost (I workout often also) and my skin looks different. I have learned that too …

I Hope You Dance …. 

You are so much more than your illness. Or, the DNA that your body is made with – good and not so good. You are so much more than how others perceive you. Your identity and value as a person, mother/father, spouse, employee, daughter, etc., is not defined by what society values most, or how someone else determines his/her self-worth. Your worth isn’t determined by how you look, the clothes you wear, or the money you make. Your value, your worth, the legacy you leave, is determined by your integrity, the life you choose to lead, and the impact you make on those you come in contact with.   “True strength comes from helping others while we are walking through our own storm.” – KNMyles for the Our Stories of Strength – Living with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Anthology (published May 2015. Not currently in available).  

Yoga Therapy at Any Age?

Earlier today, I saved an article to read later. The article that I saved was about an 85-year old woman, living with severe osteoporosis and a terrible hunch back, who made incredible progress in her posture and pain through yoga. Tonight, after YTT (Yoga Instructor Training),  I finally had the chance to read the article I saved. I love this article for so many reasons — it made me think of my Gram, who suffered for years with chronic pain due to undiagnosed Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and who also suffered from severe kyphosis, scoliosis, and osteoporosis — all due to EDS also. Smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, and her lack of movement of any kind, didn’t help either. Of course, any article sharing the story of someone who has enjoyed great success through yoga, and the personal care and instruction of a knowledgeable yoga teacher, is pertinent to me because of being in YTT. However, these stories are also important because they share hope, strength, and the focus is often on the body’s amazing …

Online Yoga Support Group for those with Hypermobility Syndrome/EDS

An online group for those who are interested in learning ways to practice yoga safely with joint hypermobility/hypermobility syndrome (HMS)/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). All levels are welcome – new and experienced. Click on the link below. You can also follow the Hypermobile Yogi Facebook Page