All posts tagged: #LiveEDSStrong

51 Tips for Parents of Children Newly Diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)

Horraay! I cannot explain how excited I am to finally be able to share this awesome project with everyone! For EDS Awareness month we will be giving you a sneak peek each day from our upcoming e-book ’51 Tips for Parents of Children Newly Diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)’ – coming soon for EDS Awareness Month!

What first started out as a joint blog post about parenting and having kids with EDS, turned into a 6 month-long project that Sarah Wells (from My Stripy Life) and I have been working on off and on, waiting for the right time to finish and release it. As we continued to work on it, we kept finding more and more to add, and even more information and resources that we wanted to make sure were included in our post – which then turned our joint blog post into a full resource e-book.

The real, no holds barred advice that we wish we knew and we hadn’t had to figure out for ourselves, the stuff that the medical books don’t always tell you!

Stay tuned for more top tips each day and information about how to get a copy of “51 Tips for Parents of Children Newly Diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)’ delivered straight to your inbox!


– Sarah & Kendra

Yoga and The Hypermobile Yogi

Yoga and The Hypermobile Yogi – Managing Chronic Pain and Stabilizing Joints with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)   “Yoga is dangerous for EDS.” “I was told not to do yoga.” “Yoga will make you end up in a wheelchair.”  I’m sure that you’ve heard all these phrases before, and many people feel that that all three are absolute truths. While we all are entitled to our opinions, the fact is there is no black and white factual statement that has come out about doing yoga when you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Usually, our ideas stem from personal beliefs, from what we have been told by someone we trust, or from our experiences with yoga. We are all different, and the truth is what works for someone else, does not work for you and vice versa. This applies to the practice of yoga. There are countless people with hypermobility/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, who have been practicing yoga for years and have done well. There are also those who tried it and did not have the strength, nor were self-aware enough to know …