All posts tagged: Friends

Gratitude for My Extended EDS, Mast Cell and Chronic Illness Family

When you lived in the middle of chaos – personally, professionally and literally, for about 2 years straight, fighting and climbing to the pinnacle of some invisible hill, one that only you can see, there are moments that keep you going just when you want to give up. For me, those moments have been the unwavering support and help from some of my very close EDS/MCAS/broader chronic illness world friends – not all are named here, but these women have been by my side, rolled up their sleeves and helped me with no questions asked. And they have really helped me. They have devoted their own time, resources, and what little energy they have to helping me with my far too many projects. They’ve helped make my aspirations come true, they’ve listened and supported me through a ton of crazy BS I’ve endured to get to this point, and they’ve worked – hard. Really hard, because they believe in what I do and they also care just as much as I do, if not more. …