All posts tagged: Connective Tissue

The Constant Whooshing in My Head …..

When you have constant, non-stop whooshing in your head (no, not just tinnitus), you’ve been diagnosed with Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (CEDS) 3x, but genetic testing came back negative, and the EDS world really doesn’t know what you have – other than you have some kind of connective tissue disorder that’s not Marfan Syndrome, VEDS, or other more common mutations …… They do know that you have 2 CBS Gene mutations and a few other genetic mutations, but they haven’t determined how any, if at all, play a role in a type of EDS, or a connective tissue disorder that “looks like” Classical/Vascular/Hypermobility-types of EDS. And there’s no identified genetic marker(s) for Hypermobility type Doctors and genetic testing has also determined that you have 2 CBS Gene mutations and a few other genetic mutations, but they haven’t determined how any, if at all, play a role in a type of EDS, or a connective tissue disorder that “looks like” Classical/Vascular/Hypermobility-types of EDS. And there’s no identified genetic marker(s) for Hypermobility type EDS, unless you count TenX. …

What is EDS?

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of heritable connective tissue disorders that are caused by various genetic defects in the collagen protein used to make our connective tissues. These disorders can cause a wide variety of complications throughout all body systems – Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is very much a multi-systemic disease.