Careers/Work, EDS Wellness, Gratitude Journal
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It’s the little things that keep you going …. 

It’s the little things that keep you going — especially after being up all night working trying to fix one of your websites (You know, the one that has the most traffic per day? Yep, that one. Fun times.) which totally crashed because of a plug-in update and you can’t get into the back-end either.


And ….. you had a product review due, actually, it’s overdue, and it was about to be posted before the devil plug-in corrupted everything.

And finally, you were trying to work on editing speaker presentation videos from two very important conferences you held recently for your still newly launching nonprofit, when you put one of the big memory cards (“big,” meaning it can store a lot of content, especially video content on it) into your computer to make sure that all of its videos had already been downloaded. Thinking that all videos had more than likely already been downloaded, you opt to still triple check. Then, you realize that the memory card is empty when your computer reads it. And now you understand what you read posted recently by other photographers about Lexar going under, or something similar ( Apparently, this issue is per usual for Lexar memory cards and it’s so awesome! So, you start to pray that you really do have whatever videos that were once stored on the Lexar memory card downloaded somewhere on your computer, the external hard drive or already in iMovie for editing. Because it makes you sick to your stomach to even think about what videos could have been on that memory card (not that staying up all night working is helping this situation in the slightest), you decide to work on a few other things to feel like you’ve been at least a tiny bit productive for the number of hours you’ve put in working.

One of other tasks/things was to put an updated Great Nonprofits widget on the EDS Wellness website, as part of the big website reorg you’ve been working on. And then you see and read the latest review — from one of the providers who you’ve worked with and who is an integral component in the proper diagnosis and care of the patients in the community that your organization serves.

Blessed. Grateful. Humbled. Honored.

And much more because staying up all night also makes you super emotional as well. But, you can’t get emotional because you are literally allergic to your emotions (dare you to cry, or your face blows up like a stuck pig and you have a hard time breathing). Thankfully, he’s one of the providers who “gets it” and knows full-well that this craziness really does happen to countless patients — you really can be “allergic” to your emotions and to crying, but the little things like an unexpected review keeps you moving through the big things and provides perspective of what’s important and why you fight to do what you do.


pchopra, Professional with expertise in this field



“This is an amazing organization to help patients with chronic pain. They look at the person as a whole. The organization, under the guidance of Kendra, has a philosophy of not letting the medical condition define the person. The Wellaplooza (now in its third year) is truly wonderful experience for anyone, not just patients. The 3 days were about treating the mind and body all together. The speakers and hands on demonstrations were excellent. EDS Wellness brings a wonderful mix of medical science and holistic approach to treating not just the medical aspects of chronic pain but the body as a whole.”

Link to full review on Great Nonprofits –

If you love EDS Wellness’ work then tell the world! Stories about EDS Wellness from people like you will help make an even bigger impact in our community. GreatNonprofits – the #1 source of nonprofit stories and feedback – is honoring highly regarded nonprofits with their 2017 Top-

Rated List. Please help raise visibility for EDS Wellness’ work by posting a brief story of your experience with them. All content will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes! Go here to get started!

Reviews that will be counted towards the tally of the Top Nonprofits for the 2017 calendar year-end October 31st, 2017. Please submit your review prior to October 31st, by visiting


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